
Shifting Sands

Posts tagged nature

This little guy followed us around all afternoon, with some of his friends, desperate for cake. He was actually sitting on my foot and hustling his little heart out. This behaviour wasn’t lost on one of the game wardens who warned us several times not to give in to the begging, “They eat termites” he growled. All the animals, from the largest gnu to the smallest bird beg for food at all the picnic spots. The birds will even fly into the car and steal bags of chips.

Can I have some cake?

Can I have some cake?

Why won't you give me any cake?

Why won’t you give me any cake?

Those selfish Oyibo won't give me any cake!

Those selfish Oyibo won’t give me any cake!

We asked our guide, Oliver, what these monkeys were called and he quite logically replied, “They are called blue balled monkeys”. Oh. Of course…

The blue balled monkey.

The blue balled monkey.

A mother monkey with a baby clinging on.

A mother monkey with a baby clinging on.

Quality time with Mum

Quality time with Mum

A zen moment

A zen moment

Jeff took these photographs when we were on safari in Tanzania in October 2011 with an organisation called Serengeti Pride. Our guide’s name was Oliver. We recommend Serengeti Pride to anyone who wants to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or go on safari.

This Masai boy is showing a group of New Zealand boys how to throw a spear.

This Masai boy is showing a group of New Zealand boys how to throw a spear.

A Masai boy showing how to hold a spear correctly.

A Masai boy showing how to hold a spear correctly.

This cheetah is stalking a buffalo in the Ngorongoro Crater.

This cheetah is stalking a buffalo in the Ngorongoro Crater.

She spots a likely target.
She spots a likely target.